I've never been the one to claim to have any inside info, but I got some last evening. As I mentioned a few backs my buddy coaches college basketball at a small Mid Major school. Well this guy is connected to the Vols, and was around when David Blackburn was on campus here at Tennessee. Well, if you can connect some dots he's also very connected to Will Wade up at VCU, and thought Will was going to ask him join his staff up there. And Will Wade is very connected to one David Blackburn at UTC. And so he told me last night to expect an announcement on David Blackburn being our next AD within the next 3 weeks time. He also fully expects Will Wade to be our next hoops coach at Tennessee since this move happened as well. He said Barnes wants to coach 5 or 6 more seasons before he retires here. Don't shoot the messenger. Just relaying some info that I came across last evening