I'm never one to run someone's name through the mud; wouldn't have written the article myself, but I did not know that he had gotten a DUI (edit: arrested but not convicted of a DUI) and that is news no matter if it's bad news. People make mistakes and I trust Butch to make the right calls on people, so Wells is fine in my book, but let's not act like this isn't "news." It is. If I'm a parent entrusting my kid to a coach for four years, I'd want to know about his drinking issues.
We can balk at the timing of the article, but if we're being honest, this is probably the best time for this info to come out, and if we're talking DUIs and sports, the info will come out. It's in the recruiting/CFB lull where media headlines are dominated by other things. And while our local reporters ran these stories, there is something to be said, whether it be in politics or general PR, in "owning" the story and getting your version out there first so that follow-up articles which add additional negative info seem petty or incorrect based on the initial framing in your friendly article.
That's just my opinion
We can balk at the timing of the article, but if we're being honest, this is probably the best time for this info to come out, and if we're talking DUIs and sports, the info will come out. It's in the recruiting/CFB lull where media headlines are dominated by other things. And while our local reporters ran these stories, there is something to be said, whether it be in politics or general PR, in "owning" the story and getting your version out there first so that follow-up articles which add additional negative info seem petty or incorrect based on the initial framing in your friendly article.
That's just my opinion
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