The Golden Bear fans ranked that the 4th best "non big" game of the decade. What a dump that stadium was. That was the first time I remember sitting on wood bleacher seats in thirty years. The fans kept yelling everytime they scored, "that is what you get for electing W". Remember the naked protesters living in the trees outside the stadium? My wife got a picture of them climbing around buck naked on rope ladders. They were protesting the fact that the University was going to cut the trees down. The trees had been blocked off by a fence, but the nut jobs kept throwing things at the spectators going into the game. I asked a Cal guy why they were not moved out for the game. He replied "how would we get them out"? I said, "you got to be kidding, right"? I told him to let me and some "Volunteers" borrow a fire truck and we could show them real quick.