When a player chooses to leave over a real or perceived lack of opportunity, we shouldn't be getting upset about it. Coaches encourage players to leave all the time. How is it any different? Coach Fulmer used to say, " If you stay, you will play". Unfortunately, that saying doesn't hold water with a lot of today's players or coaches, especially at the higher profile programs.Players aren't going to be patient, waiting around for their turn and coaches aren't going to invest the time in a player if he can recruit a player that can immediately come in and help. The pressure to win now along with the money being in invested in coaches, facilities, and players (to some degree) is the culprit here. Also, if players are going to be formally paid, you'll see this situation become more prevalent. Look at the pros, they'll cut a player mid-season if he's not producing. i'm not here to argue the morality of players leaving or coaches "running players off" but merely stating we can't have it both ways. If the coach can do it, the player should be free to do it as well.