Sad but true.
"There are no second acts in American lives." Scratch that. There are no third acts in American lives. John M. Barry in the NYT: The Pandemic Could Get Much, Much Worse. We Must Act Now. "Had we done it right the first time, we'd be operating at near 100 percent now, schools would be preparing for a nearly normal school year, football teams would be preparing to practice — and tens of thousands of Americans would not have died. This is our second chance. We won't get a third. If we don't get the growth of this pandemic under control now, in a few months, when the weather turns cold and forces people to spend more time indoors, we could face a disaster that dwarfs the situation today."
"There are no second acts in American lives." Scratch that. There are no third acts in American lives. John M. Barry in the NYT: The Pandemic Could Get Much, Much Worse. We Must Act Now. "Had we done it right the first time, we'd be operating at near 100 percent now, schools would be preparing for a nearly normal school year, football teams would be preparing to practice — and tens of thousands of Americans would not have died. This is our second chance. We won't get a third. If we don't get the growth of this pandemic under control now, in a few months, when the weather turns cold and forces people to spend more time indoors, we could face a disaster that dwarfs the situation today."