The part time, minimum wage fry cook at McDonald's makes fewer mistakes than your part time SEC officials.
You're paying up to $3,000 per game for an SEC ref, which clearly hasnt been affording you a quality service. Allocating more funds for higher quality refs may be challenging, I'm sure, but thankfully I have a simple solution for you:
Taking a measley $1,000,000 out of your $2,500,000 salary will yield enough extra funds to increase the per game pay of each ref by over $1,000 (that's an extra grand for each of the 7 refs at all 128 SEC games). Hell, your conference just got an extra $250,000 courtesy of the UT student section, why don't you add that to the pot as well? Consider it our gift, use it wisely.
You're paying up to $3,000 per game for an SEC ref, which clearly hasnt been affording you a quality service. Allocating more funds for higher quality refs may be challenging, I'm sure, but thankfully I have a simple solution for you:
Taking a measley $1,000,000 out of your $2,500,000 salary will yield enough extra funds to increase the per game pay of each ref by over $1,000 (that's an extra grand for each of the 7 refs at all 128 SEC games). Hell, your conference just got an extra $250,000 courtesy of the UT student section, why don't you add that to the pot as well? Consider it our gift, use it wisely.