We can only return to normal by either creating an effective vaccine or creating a herd immunity like we did with small pox and polio; like the common flue, if it mutates, the herdimmunity is the only option; heard immunity is delayed by social distancing, etc. which results in later waves, meaning we will get it either sooner or later;that, like small pox and polio, sometimes can take years to develop a effective vaccine, even if the virus doesn't mutate; that because the common flue has mutated into many different strains, we haven't been able to develop one effective vaccine and we can only guess which strain will develop each flu season and sometimes we guess right and sometimes not.
That in the past, we have relied on the herd immunity defense and hopping the virus doesn't mutate and we can develop a effective vaccine; another benefit of the herd immunity concept is that if we catch the virus and develop antibodies to that particular strain, even if it later mutates, that will lessen the severity of it.
That in the past, we have relied on the herd immunity defense and hopping the virus doesn't mutate and we can develop a effective vaccine; another benefit of the herd immunity concept is that if we catch the virus and develop antibodies to that particular strain, even if it later mutates, that will lessen the severity of it.