...so we watched "The Fantastic Lies" today. It's the 30:30 documentary on the railroading of three Duke Lacrosse players, by the Durham, NC DA and a few local police investigators.
He kept saying "how can they do that?" and "wait...if they said they would use the DNA evidence to determine guilt, how did they ignore the DNA evidence when it came back?"
It blows my mind (and his, apparently) how close three innocent guys came to being railroaded into federal prison terms by a DA (who was bucking for reelection), and a couple of bad cops.
If you haven't seen it, tune over to Netflix now.
He kept saying "how can they do that?" and "wait...if they said they would use the DNA evidence to determine guilt, how did they ignore the DNA evidence when it came back?"
It blows my mind (and his, apparently) how close three innocent guys came to being railroaded into federal prison terms by a DA (who was bucking for reelection), and a couple of bad cops.
If you haven't seen it, tune over to Netflix now.