#1. FSU
These rankings are based purely on statistical projections that account for previous years' efficiencies (most recent year counting most), returning starters (special consideration given to a team returning its quarterback or adding a graduate transfer quarterback), four-year average recruiting rankings (using Scouts, Rivals, Phil Steele, ESPN) and coaching tenure. A full description of what goes into the projections and why is available here
#1. FSU
- Predicted offensive EPA per game: +15.6
- Returning Starters: 11 (incl. QB)
- 2015 Efficiency Rank: 22
- Predicted offensive EPA per game: +14.4
- Returning Starters: 8 (incl. QB)
- 2015 Efficiency Rank: 9
- Predicted offensive EPA per game: +12.8
- Returning Starters: 7 (incl. QB)
- 2015 Efficiency Rank: 12
- Predicted offensive EPA per game: +12.7
- Returning Starters: 10 (incl. QB)
- 2015 Efficiency Rank: 21
- Predicted offensive EPA per game: +11.8
- Returning Starters: 8 (incl. QB)
- 2015 Efficiency Rank: 17
- Predicted offensive EPA per game: +11.5
- Returning Starters: 5 (incl. QB)
- 2015 Efficiency Rank: 10
- Predicted offensive EPA per game: +11.4
- Returning Starters: 9 (incl. QB)
- 2015 Efficiency Rank: 18
- Predicted offensive EPA (Expected points added) per game: +11.2
- Returning Starters: 10
- 2015 Efficiency Rank: 19
- Predicted offensive EPA per game: +10.4
- Returning Starters: 6 (incl. QB)
- 2015 Efficiency Rank: 5
- Predicted offensive EPA per game: +10.3
- Returning Starters: 7
- 2015 Efficiency Rank: 7
These rankings are based purely on statistical projections that account for previous years' efficiencies (most recent year counting most), returning starters (special consideration given to a team returning its quarterback or adding a graduate transfer quarterback), four-year average recruiting rankings (using Scouts, Rivals, Phil Steele, ESPN) and coaching tenure. A full description of what goes into the projections and why is available here