So leading up to Christmas I asked the GQ what entry level espresso maker I should get. The consensus was go big or go home, skip the cheap stuff. At least one guy suggested a little mini handpump device, which didn't really interest me coz I already have an aeropress. fwd a few months and after reading lots of reviews I'm now the proud owner of a Wacaco Nanopresso handpump maker. And it's ALLSOME. Only $55-65, doesn't take up any counter space, makes a nice crema, and is available is orange. I didn't want to use pods but there's an adapter for ppl who like pods.
I officially endorse this product to the GQ. I am fully caffeinated - buy with confidence men. fwd a few months and after reading lots of reviews I'm now the proud owner of a Wacaco Nanopresso handpump maker. And it's ALLSOME. Only $55-65, doesn't take up any counter space, makes a nice crema, and is available is orange. I didn't want to use pods but there's an adapter for ppl who like pods.
I officially endorse this product to the GQ. I am fully caffeinated - buy with confidence men.