Here are some possible ways to help you through this time:
Must have lost 50% income
Up to $1000/ mo for 2 months
File for unemployment. Even independent contractors can get it based on reports I read yesterday about the stimulus bill passed by the Senate
4. Dollar General is hiring big time in Hendersonville TN and other companies like Kroger are too. More will be hopefully when this virus has run it's course in your area and those companies that did have to shut down need to ramp up again
5. Stay in touch with your previous job/ owner/ manager to know when they will be hiring again. Leave on good terms even if it's hard to do so. This will help you possibly return there or get a reference for your next job.
Hope this helps
Must have lost 50% income
Up to $1000/ mo for 2 months
File for unemployment. Even independent contractors can get it based on reports I read yesterday about the stimulus bill passed by the Senate
4. Dollar General is hiring big time in Hendersonville TN and other companies like Kroger are too. More will be hopefully when this virus has run it's course in your area and those companies that did have to shut down need to ramp up again
5. Stay in touch with your previous job/ owner/ manager to know when they will be hiring again. Leave on good terms even if it's hard to do so. This will help you possibly return there or get a reference for your next job.
Hope this helps