Softest game ending call of the year. And if you dispute it, please bring evidence (you can’t)
Overall though, this team is fighting back. And has been for a couple weeks now
My complaints this season have been more process oriented than results. We looked like a bunch of robots for most of the year until a couple weeks ago
Yes our offense looks like spam for major stretches, and I have complaints about our style of play, but the resolve I see from this team, coupled with the character we’ve seen from the teams in the past, point to the leader that Barnes is
Yes I think he needs to evolve even more, but I’m coming around to thinking we should still be glad to have him because of the incredible man and leader he is
Overall though, this team is fighting back. And has been for a couple weeks now
My complaints this season have been more process oriented than results. We looked like a bunch of robots for most of the year until a couple weeks ago
Yes our offense looks like spam for major stretches, and I have complaints about our style of play, but the resolve I see from this team, coupled with the character we’ve seen from the teams in the past, point to the leader that Barnes is
Yes I think he needs to evolve even more, but I’m coming around to thinking we should still be glad to have him because of the incredible man and leader he is