"Were I a Vol, however, my greatest concern would be this: Currie's strength is not a strength Tennessee NEEDS; he hauled in big-boy money from a fanbase which is geographically limited (which, to be fair, is also a testament to the fanbase), but he won't have to wring blood from a stone in Knoxville. Which means the thing Tennessee needs him for the most is managing coaches, and that's something he at best hasn't proven he can do and at worst has sort of shown he can't.
If y'all really want to get rid of Butch, though, at least you just got a guy who's probably itching to finally hire a football coach on his own, so there's that.
Good luck, and I hope he doesn't zero in on Houston Nutt or something..."
If y'all really want to get rid of Butch, though, at least you just got a guy who's probably itching to finally hire a football coach on his own, so there's that.
Good luck, and I hope he doesn't zero in on Houston Nutt or something..."