If you like Larson (I'm a huge fan) then this is another good one.
This one revolves around Churchill during the London Blitz. It's practically impossible to compare eras, but really, the life of a Londoner during the Blitz is hard to fathom in today's context. But it does really show what a nation can do when times are at their bleakest. Makes today seem tame.
Anyway, I recommend.
Anyone else have any non-fiction reading that can recommend?
This one revolves around Churchill during the London Blitz. It's practically impossible to compare eras, but really, the life of a Londoner during the Blitz is hard to fathom in today's context. But it does really show what a nation can do when times are at their bleakest. Makes today seem tame.
Anyway, I recommend.
Anyone else have any non-fiction reading that can recommend?