In their blood lust for Butch and Currie they conjured up all these insinuations about Butch playing injured players etc. They did all of this with literally zero understanding of SEC concussion protocol or workflow when it comes to evaluating injuries and who can play. Then they are making up stuff about the family having already retained a lawyer and how Butch and Currie were consequently in deep doo doo even after that having been debunked by one of the mods. Then Currie's statement is twisted into some nefarious act of evil that would have Butch gone in 24 hours. Crazy he's doing a press conference on his last day. And last but not least Dr. Davenport is emerging as Osama Bin Laden.
All this with the backdrop of the shittiest of shitty fans orchestrating a boycott (lol, yes a boycott) of a recreational event.
What a train wreck some of these folks are.
All this with the backdrop of the shittiest of shitty fans orchestrating a boycott (lol, yes a boycott) of a recreational event.
What a train wreck some of these folks are.