This had to be donna thomas and chancellor beverly. Had to be.
Your AD has to clean up for the mistakes that assistant coaches make and grey areas on the border of rules, not create needless compliance-- not create problems and then shine a spotlight on them. K-State men's coaches and fans unanimously hated this guy. If even half of the stories from their side are true, then we are going to have endless players suspended for bogus title ix allegations and every rumor of a men's player or assistant coach sneezing.
And if this hire does go bad, we are on the verge of losing an entire generation of fans.
Your AD has to clean up for the mistakes that assistant coaches make and grey areas on the border of rules, not create needless compliance-- not create problems and then shine a spotlight on them. K-State men's coaches and fans unanimously hated this guy. If even half of the stories from their side are true, then we are going to have endless players suspended for bogus title ix allegations and every rumor of a men's player or assistant coach sneezing.
And if this hire does go bad, we are on the verge of losing an entire generation of fans.