The coronavirus relief bill signed into law on Friday includes payments to help most people, except for people who owe child support.
Owing back taxes or other debts such as student loans to the government does not affect how much stimulus money a person would receive, ... per Chuck Grassley (R-IA). The legislation “turns off nearly all administrative offsets that ordinarily may reduce tax refunds for individuals who have past tax debts, or who are behind on other payments to federal or state governments, including student loan payments,” Grassley, who authored the bill, wrote..
“The only administrative offset that will be enforced applies to those who have past due child support payments that the states have reported to the Treasury Department,”
Owing back taxes or other debts such as student loans to the government does not affect how much stimulus money a person would receive, ... per Chuck Grassley (R-IA). The legislation “turns off nearly all administrative offsets that ordinarily may reduce tax refunds for individuals who have past tax debts, or who are behind on other payments to federal or state governments, including student loan payments,” Grassley, who authored the bill, wrote..
“The only administrative offset that will be enforced applies to those who have past due child support payments that the states have reported to the Treasury Department,”