Here are some interesting stats of Athletic Directors across the nation, complied by a well respected poster on OM.
- In 351 D1 institutions, 38% of ADs had been AD at another institution prior to present job.
- 80% of ADs have a graduate degree (11% PhD, 6% JD, 15% MBA...).
- 93% of all ADs hired since 2009 have at least a Master's degree.
- Every P5 AD hired since 2009 (except one) has at least a Master's degree.
- 18% of all ADs were a college sport head coach at some point prior to becoming AD, but in the P5 institutions I can only find two: Alvarez at Wisconsin and Holder at Okie State, who was once a golf coach. There might be another one or two, since my list wasn't up to 2017.
- The average age for an AD was 52. The average age at time of hire was 48.5. 4% of ADs were over 65.