Dr. Fauci says to expect to see a big spike in the next 7-10 days of new cases. How?!?! From the few people that get out to shop wearing masks and gloves on and not approaching you like you have leprosy?? This is so ridiculous and yet I’m so sad to see so many believe this. Yes there is a virus but it’s not what they are making it out to be! Why can’t people see the obvious?? We let a strand of the flu and the media make us run and hide under the table. The entire economy wrecked and millions of lives ruined and only a few stop and question the system. Italians have been shut off in their homes for over 6 weeks and only go to the grocery store with masks on and yet new cases were/are increasing like everyone was/is at the soccer stadiums and roaming around Rome drinking espresso and cuddling. Italy was there model. To scare people you have to have a model to scare them with. “ Let’s not become Italy”. Ok my vent for the week. Take care VQ.