I am praying that this Pearson business can be put to rest and he is returned to the team and the classroom.
Frankly someone pissed into Von's cheerios and he has been wronged and he is being cleared of prosecution. I hope Pearson will spend the rest of his college career at Neyland and not in a courtroom dividing the fanbase. Also included in that I hope some asshole upon the Hill does not try to make Pearson a scape goat
to make UT look good in the eyes of the investigation going on into sexual abuse on college campgrounds. I am just like old Sarge in No Time For Sergeants, I just want the boat to stop rocking so we can have a little Peace and get on with playing football.
Frankly someone pissed into Von's cheerios and he has been wronged and he is being cleared of prosecution. I hope Pearson will spend the rest of his college career at Neyland and not in a courtroom dividing the fanbase. Also included in that I hope some asshole upon the Hill does not try to make Pearson a scape goat
to make UT look good in the eyes of the investigation going on into sexual abuse on college campgrounds. I am just like old Sarge in No Time For Sergeants, I just want the boat to stop rocking so we can have a little Peace and get on with playing football.