We have many people who, rightfully, express frustration when a kid who grew up a Vol fan commits elsewhere...
It's nice to be on the other side.
“The most important things the coaches say they like about me are my leadership, my business-like approach and my character,” Labruzza told TigerBait.com. “I take the classroom seriously and that carries over to the football field. They want my leadership on that team and they love my athletic ability on the field.”
While he didn’t commit right away, the three-star defender was flattered to receive the LSU offer.
“LSU has always been a favorite school of mine and a dream,” he said. “I’ve always worked hard to be at the standard to play for LSU. At first it was a lifelong dream and now it’s a business decision. LSU is definitely one of my top schools.”
Miles scheduled his meeting with Labruzza for 9:45 a.m.
“Actually, I was the first guy that he met with this morning,” Labruzza said. “He told me that I was the first one he wanted to talk to.”
Labruzza (6-0, 180) said he’s talked to Miles before. “We have a good relationship,” he said. “We kind of caught with everything and talked about personal things. He has that genuine bond with us. As the conversation grew, he told me I had a full scholarship to play for LSU. He broke it down to me and told me he wants me to be a Tiger.”
It's nice to be on the other side.
“The most important things the coaches say they like about me are my leadership, my business-like approach and my character,” Labruzza told TigerBait.com. “I take the classroom seriously and that carries over to the football field. They want my leadership on that team and they love my athletic ability on the field.”
While he didn’t commit right away, the three-star defender was flattered to receive the LSU offer.
“LSU has always been a favorite school of mine and a dream,” he said. “I’ve always worked hard to be at the standard to play for LSU. At first it was a lifelong dream and now it’s a business decision. LSU is definitely one of my top schools.”
Miles scheduled his meeting with Labruzza for 9:45 a.m.
“Actually, I was the first guy that he met with this morning,” Labruzza said. “He told me that I was the first one he wanted to talk to.”
Labruzza (6-0, 180) said he’s talked to Miles before. “We have a good relationship,” he said. “We kind of caught with everything and talked about personal things. He has that genuine bond with us. As the conversation grew, he told me I had a full scholarship to play for LSU. He broke it down to me and told me he wants me to be a Tiger.”