I've learned not to drop into the GQ while a football game is in progress. In-game posting ignorance knows no bounds and I can happily stay away until after the game (if we win) or for a few days (if we loose). Unfortunately, it is unreasonable to think I can stay off this board until May, June, or longer.
I appreciate, embrace even, the knowledgeable presentation of viewpoints that differ than my own but some of the tripe spewed here recently by folks that have no f'ing idea what they are talking about is intolerable. It is made more so by the confidence with which they speak and their unashamed intolerance of differing opinions.
Living through COVID-19 is bad enough without suffering fools. Long live IGNORE.
I appreciate, embrace even, the knowledgeable presentation of viewpoints that differ than my own but some of the tripe spewed here recently by folks that have no f'ing idea what they are talking about is intolerable. It is made more so by the confidence with which they speak and their unashamed intolerance of differing opinions.
Living through COVID-19 is bad enough without suffering fools. Long live IGNORE.