I'm going to make this as short as possible. Please stay with me. We purchased or home 3 years ago. The single man that lived here and built the home had an immaculate Bermuda yard. Neighbors said he spent over 10 hours a week working in it. The yard is less than an acre and i certainly do not have the time with the family, teaching, coaching, etc. My wife hated the dormant look in the winter so for the first time, i over seeded with rye. Many were very envious of our yard this winter.
However, the Bermuda was very late coming out this year. I was told that the Bermuda would choke out the eye and once it went dormant this winter, the rye would return.
My concerns and our questions are these. ...
1. Could the rye have caused the late arrival of Bermuda?
2. A section of my yard that is in a shaded area around my leyland cypress trees (which have bag worms) is brown with no real grass there. .. no Bermuda or rye. It had grass there in March and April. Could the bag worms be causing this? Or is it likely the lack of rain and sun causing this?
3. The weed content is way up this year. Granted i didn't treat with pre emerge this year.
4. I have random brownish spots in the yard where good sun and rain hits. Almost as If it were dead spots, but they are sporadic over the yard.
5. What should i do? Is this something i can treat on my own? If not, what should i expect to have done and pay?
Thanks all
However, the Bermuda was very late coming out this year. I was told that the Bermuda would choke out the eye and once it went dormant this winter, the rye would return.
My concerns and our questions are these. ...
1. Could the rye have caused the late arrival of Bermuda?
2. A section of my yard that is in a shaded area around my leyland cypress trees (which have bag worms) is brown with no real grass there. .. no Bermuda or rye. It had grass there in March and April. Could the bag worms be causing this? Or is it likely the lack of rain and sun causing this?
3. The weed content is way up this year. Granted i didn't treat with pre emerge this year.
4. I have random brownish spots in the yard where good sun and rain hits. Almost as If it were dead spots, but they are sporadic over the yard.
5. What should i do? Is this something i can treat on my own? If not, what should i expect to have done and pay?
Thanks all