Hey, all--figured I'd crowdsource some suggestions from the hive mind on this one. My wife recently witnessed a skunk in our (fenced in) backyard, and our dachshund has had a couple of encounters with them on our property recently (thankfully having avoided a full-on spray, I suspect because she's so tiny and quick that she's able to evade a direct hit). I think I know what's going on--there's a small hole under our back deck that I think they may be using for shelter. I figure plugging that up and spraying fox urine or pepper spray around our fence once or twice a week should take care of the issue.
Here's the problem, though: I'm not sure whether there are any skunk kits in that shelter, and I don't want to block them in so they can't get out and rejoin the mother (if that's what it is). Can anybody recommend a safe way for me to check to see if that's what's going on here? By all accounts the skunk is behaving normally, so I'm not at present concerned about the possibility of rabies, and would rather avoid exterminating the animal if possible. (I've always weirdly loved skunks--DESPERATELY wanted a descented one for a pet. Still may do this one day if I retire to the country or something.)
Appreciate the suggestions, all!
Here's the problem, though: I'm not sure whether there are any skunk kits in that shelter, and I don't want to block them in so they can't get out and rejoin the mother (if that's what it is). Can anybody recommend a safe way for me to check to see if that's what's going on here? By all accounts the skunk is behaving normally, so I'm not at present concerned about the possibility of rabies, and would rather avoid exterminating the animal if possible. (I've always weirdly loved skunks--DESPERATELY wanted a descented one for a pet. Still may do this one day if I retire to the country or something.)
Appreciate the suggestions, all!