Appreciate your informative response to the DylanVol thread. You listed 19 for sure takes out of that group and I would assume there are some more for sure takes that we are still in the mix with. He also stated that out of your list there are some that likely don't have a particularly high interest in us. So IMO we can discount that 19# some just based on viable interest. But on the other side of the flip side it seems realistic to me that that with in you take list there are 6-8 guys that we either have to be considered the clear favorite or right at the top of the list and there will likely be a couple or more takes that fall to us that other than those 6-8. We know there will be some movement in our committed guys but it looks like there will be a lot if we don't back off our uncommitted takes. I am guessing attrition in the 5 range from our current commitment list. What's your #?