"Def not loaded with upperclassmen as we had a ton of top talent leave last year. Mostly playing all youngsters but the few seniors have quit and coaching staff sux dick.
Team is a dumpster fire but this was known a month ago so today isn't shocking at all. Funny that these threads keeping popping up every week like it is some big surprise. U must have missed the loses to BYU, Indiana and Maryland."
And there you have it. Dantonio now sux and can't control his team. They are currently struggling with Illinois.
Team is a dumpster fire but this was known a month ago so today isn't shocking at all. Funny that these threads keeping popping up every week like it is some big surprise. U must have missed the loses to BYU, Indiana and Maryland."
And there you have it. Dantonio now sux and can't control his team. They are currently struggling with Illinois.