One of the more true and most well said things written on this sight is by @Rob Lewis in the four quick takes:
“At this point if I’m Pruitt I concede the fact that I’m not beating Alabama with Guarantano at quarterback and I make a move now to go to someone else. You basically concede next week’s game and with the open date, you have three weeks to get the next guy ready for the second half of the season.“
Well said Rob. I could not agree any more than I do with this statement.
We MUST prepare to be a better and more dynamically led team in the years to come
Thank you Rob for stating it in the article
“At this point if I’m Pruitt I concede the fact that I’m not beating Alabama with Guarantano at quarterback and I make a move now to go to someone else. You basically concede next week’s game and with the open date, you have three weeks to get the next guy ready for the second half of the season.“
Well said Rob. I could not agree any more than I do with this statement.
We MUST prepare to be a better and more dynamically led team in the years to come
Thank you Rob for stating it in the article