It’s as if the 3 fates have weaved against Florida and the debt owed to Karma is now due.
Let the tears flow:
MullenisFishBaitGator “
All on Mullen
Dude turned out to be worse than Champ and Mac.
At least they cared.”
FeelthePainGator “The last twelve months since I got over my anger from the shoe toss and how Mullen handled it have really made me apathetic more than anything else.”
TheGlassisEmptyGator “We absolutely have no discipline. While we have some good pieces to the puzzle, changing the culture of a team is a big task. Not to mention that in the trenches, we are friggin terrible! We get pushed around on both lines. Due to Mullen’s poor recruiting we don’t have the big, mean, nasty guys who just want to beat you up. We are soft at the worst possible positions to be soft at.”
AR15aintEnoughGator “our depth is no longer just pathetic and embarrassing, it’s almost nonexistent.
IsthisAsBadAsItGetsGator:”this what it feels like to hit rock bottom? Kids look like they are playing hard but we are so bad we can’t even beat UCF. Penalties, poor d-line play, poor o-line play, terrible qb play. I am so glad this season is over.
RockBottomGator “I prognosticate, it is rock bottom, 6&6 next year at worse , then after next year hold on to your seatbelts!
TrapDoorinRockBottomGator: “This is NOT rock bottom, if we have heavy transfers a 3-9 season would be. “
Let the tears flow:
MullenisFishBaitGator “
All on Mullen
Dude turned out to be worse than Champ and Mac.
At least they cared.”
FeelthePainGator “The last twelve months since I got over my anger from the shoe toss and how Mullen handled it have really made me apathetic more than anything else.”
TheGlassisEmptyGator “We absolutely have no discipline. While we have some good pieces to the puzzle, changing the culture of a team is a big task. Not to mention that in the trenches, we are friggin terrible! We get pushed around on both lines. Due to Mullen’s poor recruiting we don’t have the big, mean, nasty guys who just want to beat you up. We are soft at the worst possible positions to be soft at.”
AR15aintEnoughGator “our depth is no longer just pathetic and embarrassing, it’s almost nonexistent.
IsthisAsBadAsItGetsGator:”this what it feels like to hit rock bottom? Kids look like they are playing hard but we are so bad we can’t even beat UCF. Penalties, poor d-line play, poor o-line play, terrible qb play. I am so glad this season is over.
RockBottomGator “I prognosticate, it is rock bottom, 6&6 next year at worse , then after next year hold on to your seatbelts!
TrapDoorinRockBottomGator: “This is NOT rock bottom, if we have heavy transfers a 3-9 season would be. “