Jason DeRulo celebrates No. 1 song with $112k drink bill at LA restaurant
Jason DeRulo’s “Savage Love” hit No. 1 on the Billboard charts, so he opened up his wallet.

I think it's sad during a pandemic, a man is spending over $112k on drinks at a bar...... then bragging about it on social media. Hard working Americans are losing jobs left and right, BUT it is his money. He can do what he wants with it.
So Chaney and the boys didn't take a pay cut and others "that empty their trash" did. That's life. It sucks, and it's a bad look, but that's their option!
Im curious how many OTB would take a pay cut if they were in the 8 assistants shoes. No way of knowing, but I belive it to be impossible to know until you and your family are put in that situation.
I also believe if we were 4-2 or 5-1, there would not be so much hate and anger toward these guys! JMO