the throwing up lasted wednesday morning (early) until thursday night.
the diarrhea lasted early wednesday morning until saturday noon other than 20-22 hours the first huge whole bottle of pepto worked. the diarrhea beat it back eventually and it was on again.
other than a few appearances here i slept other than running to the bathroom.
by sunday i was somewhat able to eat. but then i hit a snag. a hard snag. my sugar would not go up. my stomach was also bloated swollen. i am a type 1 diabetic so when i eat, my sugar should definitely go up. i tried again later. nope. sugar would not go up. i literally assaulted my body with brown cows. no luck. sugar stayed at 145. i have 2 meters i frequently calibrate with my doctor and they both read the same. 144 and 145. same the next day (yesterday) my sugar would not budge. so i finally went and had blood work and urinalysis done. the diagnosis is Acute Renal Failure brought on by etreme dehydration. last night finally it broke. my sugar hit 250. Thank you God. still not what it should have been after all that eating that but dang good progress. today had visit with a gi doctor friend of mine. excellent guy whom i strongly recommend. his office is across the street from hamblen hospital in morristown. his name is Linus Adams. got some other things to test a week from thursday. am doing better but this rhino virus was especially vicious. dont know i ever had a rhino virus but my orders are if i throw up more than once or twice get to the er immediately for iv's.
the diarrhea lasted early wednesday morning until saturday noon other than 20-22 hours the first huge whole bottle of pepto worked. the diarrhea beat it back eventually and it was on again.
other than a few appearances here i slept other than running to the bathroom.
by sunday i was somewhat able to eat. but then i hit a snag. a hard snag. my sugar would not go up. my stomach was also bloated swollen. i am a type 1 diabetic so when i eat, my sugar should definitely go up. i tried again later. nope. sugar would not go up. i literally assaulted my body with brown cows. no luck. sugar stayed at 145. i have 2 meters i frequently calibrate with my doctor and they both read the same. 144 and 145. same the next day (yesterday) my sugar would not budge. so i finally went and had blood work and urinalysis done. the diagnosis is Acute Renal Failure brought on by etreme dehydration. last night finally it broke. my sugar hit 250. Thank you God. still not what it should have been after all that eating that but dang good progress. today had visit with a gi doctor friend of mine. excellent guy whom i strongly recommend. his office is across the street from hamblen hospital in morristown. his name is Linus Adams. got some other things to test a week from thursday. am doing better but this rhino virus was especially vicious. dont know i ever had a rhino virus but my orders are if i throw up more than once or twice get to the er immediately for iv's.