Here are the latest stats for the #CheckerNeyland
77 hotels are listed as sold out on Expedia.
37 rentals are left on Airbnb for the football weekend
1684 Tickets are available on stubhub
Price range on Stubhub is $140.00 -$2,500.00
Boomsday hotel internet surge* Not noticable
*We use a random downtown hotel that monitors the pipeline of data flow after a sporting event or major event.
77 hotels are listed as sold out on Expedia.
37 rentals are left on Airbnb for the football weekend
1684 Tickets are available on stubhub
Price range on Stubhub is $140.00 -$2,500.00
Boomsday hotel internet surge* Not noticable
*We use a random downtown hotel that monitors the pipeline of data flow after a sporting event or major event.