They really need to get over themselves. The biggest whiners and self important in their own minds by far in college FB. If you could buy them for what they are worth and sell them for what they think they are worth you’d be way up Forbes’ wealthiest list.
Brent mentioned in the podcast that they are already whining about the ACC being in the alliance because of the academics of CLemson and FSU. That’s just a FALSE narrative and complete BS. The Big Ten does have some strong academic institutions such as Northwestern, Wisconsin, and Michigan. But give me a break. The ACC has Duke, UVA, GA Tech, UNC, VA Tech, NC State, and Boston’s College. JMHO but that list clearly trumps any list the Big Ten can come up with respect to academics.
Brent mentioned in the podcast that they are already whining about the ACC being in the alliance because of the academics of CLemson and FSU. That’s just a FALSE narrative and complete BS. The Big Ten does have some strong academic institutions such as Northwestern, Wisconsin, and Michigan. But give me a break. The ACC has Duke, UVA, GA Tech, UNC, VA Tech, NC State, and Boston’s College. JMHO but that list clearly trumps any list the Big Ten can come up with respect to academics.