I'll admit I was critical of Dobbs at times during his career. But man, we couldn't have asked for a better representative for our rebuild than him. He's given us an identity to the outside world of sports. We desperately needed a strong character guy that would become the model of the dual-threat QB system that Butch brought with him. We needed a shining example of what a student athlete meant in our program. He's someone that the national reporters and recruits are just now beginning to realize. If he's able to make a splash in the draft and in his pro career, it will be a positive for our program on an exponential scale. He's helped our program to be perceived as a place where good kids go and do well athletically, in the community and in the classroom. For a rebuild, that's tremendously important rather than the trash-quick-fix brand of people that Kiffin was targeting (not all 100% the case of course but the trend for sure).
I see a kid like this Martinez from California and I can't help but believe that the Josh Dobbs effect is in full force.
And for our fans, Dobbs has reinstitued what being the Tennessee QB means to the state. It ranks up there as the most visible individual in the whole state. That can either be a good thing or a very bad thing. He has made us proud to be Tennessee fans and to be from this state. There's very little doubt that he will only continue to do things in his life that will bring pride to all of us. For all the sniping that happens on here and all the crap Vol fans have endured for the past 10 years, take pride in what we are becoming and what we've already accomplished.
Surely our fans can see what Butch is trying to do here. A quick fix would've taken us down the same road as Ole Miss. It was imperative to take the longer term approach and build a solid foundation with kids you can use as models for the future recruits.
Enjoy the ride!
I see a kid like this Martinez from California and I can't help but believe that the Josh Dobbs effect is in full force.
And for our fans, Dobbs has reinstitued what being the Tennessee QB means to the state. It ranks up there as the most visible individual in the whole state. That can either be a good thing or a very bad thing. He has made us proud to be Tennessee fans and to be from this state. There's very little doubt that he will only continue to do things in his life that will bring pride to all of us. For all the sniping that happens on here and all the crap Vol fans have endured for the past 10 years, take pride in what we are becoming and what we've already accomplished.
Surely our fans can see what Butch is trying to do here. A quick fix would've taken us down the same road as Ole Miss. It was imperative to take the longer term approach and build a solid foundation with kids you can use as models for the future recruits.
Enjoy the ride!
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