An EF-1 Tornado spun up just northwest of the city of Franklin and continued east-northeast
across Williamson County. Tornadic damage began on Hillsboro Road and crossed Franklin Road
hitting just north of the Cool Springs Galleria. The tornado then weakened as it crossed
Interstate 65, but continued to cause damage on Concord Road almost to the Davidson County
line. The most significant damage was to a home where the chimney collapsed along with
several hundred trees snapped or uprooted along the path. It is estimated that over 200
structures received minor damage with several dozen receiving moderate damage mostly in the
form of roof damage."
An EF-1 Tornado spun up just northwest of the city of Franklin and continued east-northeast
across Williamson County. Tornadic damage began on Hillsboro Road and crossed Franklin Road
hitting just north of the Cool Springs Galleria. The tornado then weakened as it crossed
Interstate 65, but continued to cause damage on Concord Road almost to the Davidson County
line. The most significant damage was to a home where the chimney collapsed along with
several hundred trees snapped or uprooted along the path. It is estimated that over 200
structures received minor damage with several dozen receiving moderate damage mostly in the
form of roof damage."