Since Peyton Manning has retired, every pseudo “expert” has crawled out from under their rock to give their opinion about where Manning falls in the Greatest of All Time discussion. His individual achievements stand on their own and are indisputable. But many “experts” choose to undermine his legacy using vague subjective criteria.
Many try to discredit Manning's latest SB win. A lot of pseudo "experts" claim that because Denver's defense was so good, Manning shouldn't get credit for his second ring. I've even read some suggest that Favre’s single SB ring is better than Peyton's two rings. So, I looked it up...
If they discount Manning's latest SB ring, then we have to do the same for:
Brady - 2001
Elway - 1997
Montana - 1981
All of these QBs had similar SB stats. Their teams won with a good running game and a great defensive effort. Manning should not be judged any differently than other QBs.
Others have belittled Manning as a “regular season” quarterback. They ridicule his post season winning percentage and praise the successes of Brady, Montana, Elway, and Favre. Not counting 2011 which he missed due to injury, Peyton took his team to the playoffs 15 times in 17 years. Brady is close by bringing NE to the playoffs 13 of his 15 years as a full starter. However, Montana only went to the playoffs 11 of his 15 years. Elway went to the playoffs 10 of his 16 years. And Favre only took his team to the playoffs during 12 of his 20 years.
All of these are remarkable statistics, but Peyton stands alone in this category. So, why is Peyton being penalized by successfully taking his team to the post season? Using the “experts”’ logic, a QB is more successful if their team fails to make the playoffs, than those that make the playoffs then lose.
In my opinion, Manning carried several teams into the playoffs that had no business making the post season other than having Peyton Manning as a QB.
Other “experts” praise Manning’s individual accomplishments, but say they value the “team” accomplishments of other QBs. OK. Team winning percentage is a good indicator of team accomplishments.
Manning’s winning percentage for his pro career is a tad over 70%. Brady comes in at 77% and Montana is at 71%. But Elway and Favre have career winning percentage’s of 64% and 62% respectively. Manning is squarely in the middle of the pack of other “team” accomplished QBs.
However, by comparing the winning percentages of the same teams before and without Manning, should show how much his presence impacted the team accomplishments. Elway and Favre appear to improve their team’s winning percentage by between 30 - 40%. Brady was between 40 - 50%. Montana was originally around 60%, but was only about 10 - 20% by the end of his career - possibly due to the success of Steve Young. Peyton Manning appeared to improve his team’s winning percentage by about 50% while being the definitive team player.
The logic of Manning’s detractors does not appear to stand up to investigation. They are illogical in their evaluation of Peyton almost to be point of contempt. Tom Brady made a very interesting comment about the expectations that have been put on Peyton Manning. If you think about it: Manning was a professional QB’s son who was supposed to be the #1 high school QB, win National Championships and the Heisman in college, be the #1 pick and win many Super Bowls and be a Hall of Famer in the NFL. While living up to many of these expectations, he could never live up to all of the them. So, some people choose to tear him down.
Whatever reason they act as they do, I am glad Peyton is a VFL. And in my opinion, he is the Greatest of All Time.
I wanted to post this somewhere, so I started here. Feel free to disregard...
Many try to discredit Manning's latest SB win. A lot of pseudo "experts" claim that because Denver's defense was so good, Manning shouldn't get credit for his second ring. I've even read some suggest that Favre’s single SB ring is better than Peyton's two rings. So, I looked it up...
If they discount Manning's latest SB ring, then we have to do the same for:
Brady - 2001
Elway - 1997
Montana - 1981
All of these QBs had similar SB stats. Their teams won with a good running game and a great defensive effort. Manning should not be judged any differently than other QBs.
Others have belittled Manning as a “regular season” quarterback. They ridicule his post season winning percentage and praise the successes of Brady, Montana, Elway, and Favre. Not counting 2011 which he missed due to injury, Peyton took his team to the playoffs 15 times in 17 years. Brady is close by bringing NE to the playoffs 13 of his 15 years as a full starter. However, Montana only went to the playoffs 11 of his 15 years. Elway went to the playoffs 10 of his 16 years. And Favre only took his team to the playoffs during 12 of his 20 years.
All of these are remarkable statistics, but Peyton stands alone in this category. So, why is Peyton being penalized by successfully taking his team to the post season? Using the “experts”’ logic, a QB is more successful if their team fails to make the playoffs, than those that make the playoffs then lose.
In my opinion, Manning carried several teams into the playoffs that had no business making the post season other than having Peyton Manning as a QB.
Other “experts” praise Manning’s individual accomplishments, but say they value the “team” accomplishments of other QBs. OK. Team winning percentage is a good indicator of team accomplishments.
Manning’s winning percentage for his pro career is a tad over 70%. Brady comes in at 77% and Montana is at 71%. But Elway and Favre have career winning percentage’s of 64% and 62% respectively. Manning is squarely in the middle of the pack of other “team” accomplished QBs.
However, by comparing the winning percentages of the same teams before and without Manning, should show how much his presence impacted the team accomplishments. Elway and Favre appear to improve their team’s winning percentage by between 30 - 40%. Brady was between 40 - 50%. Montana was originally around 60%, but was only about 10 - 20% by the end of his career - possibly due to the success of Steve Young. Peyton Manning appeared to improve his team’s winning percentage by about 50% while being the definitive team player.
The logic of Manning’s detractors does not appear to stand up to investigation. They are illogical in their evaluation of Peyton almost to be point of contempt. Tom Brady made a very interesting comment about the expectations that have been put on Peyton Manning. If you think about it: Manning was a professional QB’s son who was supposed to be the #1 high school QB, win National Championships and the Heisman in college, be the #1 pick and win many Super Bowls and be a Hall of Famer in the NFL. While living up to many of these expectations, he could never live up to all of the them. So, some people choose to tear him down.
Whatever reason they act as they do, I am glad Peyton is a VFL. And in my opinion, he is the Greatest of All Time.
I wanted to post this somewhere, so I started here. Feel free to disregard...