I know this is way off topic but I'm looking for advice on how to stain a piece of pine wood I have. My wife and I had our guests at our reception sign this piece of pine, and I have been going over their signatures with a dremel tool to engrave the names. It's turning out really great so far; there are a few signatures left that look like they will be a challenge since the person wrote smaller, but overall it looks really good.
My question comes in how to stain the wood. We want the board to be the center board used in making what will be our coffee table. Anyone know any best practices? I'm just concerned that the stain wont look right in the engraved signatures. Any legitimate advice would be greatly appreciated.
My question comes in how to stain the wood. We want the board to be the center board used in making what will be our coffee table. Anyone know any best practices? I'm just concerned that the stain wont look right in the engraved signatures. Any legitimate advice would be greatly appreciated.