The dust has settled a bit now.
In the end, it now seems obvious that Butch had a weak staff, thin skin, inadequate player development, and bad game management.
But I wonder what you guys see as the root cause(s) of his failure:
- Did he just lack strong judgment?
- Did he lack adequate coaching chops/knowledge?
- Was his temperament just a poor fit for the job?
- Was he just kind of a dope? (always seemed like it to me)
- Was he a weak leader?
- Was he a disingenuous guy?
- Or something else?
The dust has settled a bit now.
In the end, it now seems obvious that Butch had a weak staff, thin skin, inadequate player development, and bad game management.
But I wonder what you guys see as the root cause(s) of his failure:
- Did he just lack strong judgment?
- Did he lack adequate coaching chops/knowledge?
- Was his temperament just a poor fit for the job?
- Was he just kind of a dope? (always seemed like it to me)
- Was he a weak leader?
- Was he a disingenuous guy?
- Or something else?