The article on the MLB battle lays its out pretty clearly. Most coaches comments were about Bryant; lighter, quicker and more experienced. The 'younger' players mentioned - getting just a few reps - has to be Kirkland. Jones, "We want to play multiple players, but Nickleback is most important, most dynamic position in defenses today". < I paraphrased a couple of his comments. So, who cares who starts and who comes in second and third at MLB.
We ought to focus on who is the nickle. Again, the coaches focus is Nickle. This is where the head guy and the d coordinator are both focusing. Which is not to say they are unconcerned about MLB, or any other position for that matter.
We ought to focus on who is the nickle. Again, the coaches focus is Nickle. This is where the head guy and the d coordinator are both focusing. Which is not to say they are unconcerned about MLB, or any other position for that matter.