You all seem very passionate about TN football. I am too. It gets weird though when it turns toward players also. These young men are doing what they are coached to do. Some of the players are simply not as good as we thought they were coming out of HS. They are still just young men trying to succeed at a high level and football is not their life. Losing sucks. As bad as I feel, I bet they feel so much worse. I think the bashing of certain players may be deserved but not said. This season is on the staff. 3 years in, feels like 3 years out. There is still some solid players on this team. I'm pulling for them, not the coaches. There is still a lot of ball to be played for these young men. I bet most of them dreamed of playing FB for TN as a kid and after college they will never play again. I'm pissed at 3 losses but the season is not over.