If the lawsuit did not exist, I would be shocked if the charges against AJ were not dropped entirely today rather just reduced and diverted for a period of 6 months, at which point they will be dropped completely.
The assistant DA acknowledged that there was no evidence to support the charges and that it appears things were "blown out of proportion."
We saw law enforcement come under scrutiny in the FSU case and these people in Knoxville do not want some of the scrutiny UT is under to start being directed toward them.
It's just sad to see lives and futures being risked to appease onlookers and those with agendas.
The assistant DA acknowledged that there was no evidence to support the charges and that it appears things were "blown out of proportion."
We saw law enforcement come under scrutiny in the FSU case and these people in Knoxville do not want some of the scrutiny UT is under to start being directed toward them.
It's just sad to see lives and futures being risked to appease onlookers and those with agendas.