OK investment guys I need to invest a sizable amount of money in a bond fund or a ETF. PIMIX has been my go to bond fund but I have historically slotted all of my investments between a maximum and minimum causing me to own over 70 funds. However with PIMIX I am already way outside my historical “slot range” because I love the fund and it has been by far the star of my bond funds. I am well diversified but I have no interest in putting more money in the stock market. My concern with just investing in PIMIX is that it puts me over 7 figures in one fund with no other investment even close to that level. So what would you do? The money is after tax by the way. I am trying to set up a steady income stream for when I stop work completely. I am getting ready to turn 63. Any other options you folks are high on? I currently do not own any ETFs.