From Tiger King. Spoilers ahead.
Finished it earlier this week. Curious on your thoughts. My craziest takeaways (in no order)
*** The nicest guy on the show has no legs — not from a tiger mauling but a zip lining accident where he also broke his back
*** That the "protagonist" of the story is a now-animal rights activist who started out as a big cat breeder and might've killed and fed her second husband to a tiger.
*** The accidental death by suicide from Joe's second husband, who was so screwed up on meth and other drugs he became bisexual. In a related note, the swell of polygamy among big cat breeders.
*** Joe burning down his own studio (killing several alligators)
*** Everything involving Doc Antle, his cult, the missing animals and his praying on vulnerable underage woman.
*** The employee who got her arm bit off and went back to work just days later. Also, Joe just walking into the gift shop and calmly announcing that patrons must leave because someone got a limb bitten off and they can get a zoo credit to come back and visit the animals at a later date.
*** That a dude from Walmart became Joe's campaign manager and was able to promote a legitimately batshit candidate who didn't even know what it means to be a libertarian and still picked up nearly 20% of the vote in the primary. In a related note: people in Oklahoma are insane.
*** The "Here Kitty Kitty" music video
*** The drug lord turned mysterious big cat hoarder in South Florida
And yet, the single best moment of the show was the jet ski scene with Eye of the Tiger blasting in the background.
Finished it earlier this week. Curious on your thoughts. My craziest takeaways (in no order)
*** The nicest guy on the show has no legs — not from a tiger mauling but a zip lining accident where he also broke his back
*** That the "protagonist" of the story is a now-animal rights activist who started out as a big cat breeder and might've killed and fed her second husband to a tiger.
*** The accidental death by suicide from Joe's second husband, who was so screwed up on meth and other drugs he became bisexual. In a related note, the swell of polygamy among big cat breeders.
*** Joe burning down his own studio (killing several alligators)
*** Everything involving Doc Antle, his cult, the missing animals and his praying on vulnerable underage woman.
*** The employee who got her arm bit off and went back to work just days later. Also, Joe just walking into the gift shop and calmly announcing that patrons must leave because someone got a limb bitten off and they can get a zoo credit to come back and visit the animals at a later date.
*** That a dude from Walmart became Joe's campaign manager and was able to promote a legitimately batshit candidate who didn't even know what it means to be a libertarian and still picked up nearly 20% of the vote in the primary. In a related note: people in Oklahoma are insane.
*** The "Here Kitty Kitty" music video
*** The drug lord turned mysterious big cat hoarder in South Florida
And yet, the single best moment of the show was the jet ski scene with Eye of the Tiger blasting in the background.