"I apologize to Haley," Walton said in a statement released through UF. "I just wanted to congratulate Auburn on the win - it was a good series. My intention was to give a high-five to each opposing player as we do after every game.
"Apparently her hand wasn't up as I said, 'Good game' and I touched her shoulder. I should have paid closer attention and did not intend to upset her. I regret that this has taken attention away from the effort and sportsmanship both teams displayed all weekend."
"I apologize to Haley," Walton said in a statement released through UF. "I just wanted to congratulate Auburn on the win - it was a good series. My intention was to give a high-five to each opposing player as we do after every game.
"Apparently her hand wasn't up as I said, 'Good game' and I touched her shoulder. I should have paid closer attention and did not intend to upset her. I regret that this has taken attention away from the effort and sportsmanship both teams displayed all weekend."