3-star DE Garrett Witherington visits Tennessee, details future SEC trips

More on Witherington and his future SEC visit plans:

Wants to make it to Ole Miss on Thursday, Miss State on Friday and Alabama on Saturday. He's from Birmingham.
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Downtown Omaha Hotel Reservation for This Weekend at CWS

I know this belongs on the ticket exchange board, but I wanted to also post it here in case anyone missed it on the other board.

I have a reservation at the Even Hotel in Downtown Omaha for Friday (6/14)-Tuesday (6/18). Unfortunately, I will no longer be able to make the trip due to a family medical emergency, but I am offering this reservation for $1,200. That is half the price I paid for it and is significantly cheaper than you will find at any other hotel within walking distance to the stadium and the downtown Omaha area.

I will change the reservation to your name and send you email confirmation of the change.

If interested, email me at or text at 404-374-7979.
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