First, I have no inside information but have talked with a couple of guys with ties to the coaches/athletic department, but not SC employees. By the time this is written it may have all changed. Perhaps Brent can see if the SC mods know anything.
BRA has been saying for some time that it looks like Sterling is a Gamecock but he took his final OV to Columbia last week and did not commit. He is quoted as saying it is 50/50 with SC-UT. Brent, you hearing anything?
Jameyst Williams also took his final OV with the chickens this past weekend with UGA being the favorite, according to his dad. Apparently he had a great visit (don't they always have great visits) but still has not announced a decision. It is good that Coach Boom may lose him but bad that UGA would pick him up. I hope Smart can't coach because he sure as heck can recruit.
The Shamecocks have already had two of their top 3 recruits flip and if Jameyst does too, it kills their class.
SC is desperate for OL and in mid-january took a 2 start (5.4) lineman with a limited offer list so that part is not going well. I do know that the fans are restless as rumors abound that recruits are going to be flipping before NSD. The validity in that I do not know.
Wish I could be more definitive but that is all I have. And it may be dated but was accurate earlier today.
BRA has been saying for some time that it looks like Sterling is a Gamecock but he took his final OV to Columbia last week and did not commit. He is quoted as saying it is 50/50 with SC-UT. Brent, you hearing anything?
Jameyst Williams also took his final OV with the chickens this past weekend with UGA being the favorite, according to his dad. Apparently he had a great visit (don't they always have great visits) but still has not announced a decision. It is good that Coach Boom may lose him but bad that UGA would pick him up. I hope Smart can't coach because he sure as heck can recruit.
The Shamecocks have already had two of their top 3 recruits flip and if Jameyst does too, it kills their class.
SC is desperate for OL and in mid-january took a 2 start (5.4) lineman with a limited offer list so that part is not going well. I do know that the fans are restless as rumors abound that recruits are going to be flipping before NSD. The validity in that I do not know.
Wish I could be more definitive but that is all I have. And it may be dated but was accurate earlier today.