Rocker was a very good coach, that's not debated often. He was a lazy recruiter though. If we are honest we have no idea what kind of coach Niedermeir is but our LBs are getting absolutely torched over the middle and Shelton Felton is very recognized as an up and comer in recruiting. Wenkie is odd in that he should own IMG but overall has been mediocre as a recruiter and a qb coach. Tee is a past recruiter of the year and that skill afforded him the opportunity to eventually become OC at USC but I would still bet he is known more for recruiting than coaching. Are our WR exceeding anyone's expectations? Chaney and Friend don't support this theory reall and honestly I'm not necessarily saying that this is the wrong plan. I would rather line up w Alabamas players w Vandys coaches than vice versa. I know the right approach has a little of both but what do the brains on VQ think?