He plays from the start.
PENALTY—[ARTICLE 3 and ARTICLE 4]—15 yards. For dead-ball
fouls, 15 yards from the succeeding spot. Automatic first
down for fouls by Team B if not in conflict with other
rules. For fouls in the first half: Disqualification for the
remainder of the game. (Rule 2-27-12) For fouls in the
second half: Disqualification for the remainder of the
game and the first half of the next game. If the foul occurs
in the second half of the last game of the season, players
with remaining eligibility shall serve the suspension during
the postseason or the first game of the following season.
The disqualification must be reviewed by Instant Replay
(Rule 12-3-5). [S38, S2
PENALTY—[ARTICLE 3 and ARTICLE 4]—15 yards. For dead-ball
fouls, 15 yards from the succeeding spot. Automatic first
down for fouls by Team B if not in conflict with other
rules. For fouls in the first half: Disqualification for the
remainder of the game. (Rule 2-27-12) For fouls in the
second half: Disqualification for the remainder of the
game and the first half of the next game. If the foul occurs
in the second half of the last game of the season, players
with remaining eligibility shall serve the suspension during
the postseason or the first game of the following season.
The disqualification must be reviewed by Instant Replay
(Rule 12-3-5). [S38, S2