I am interested to see how my Vol brothers and sisters are faring. Think in these terms.
Mildly Inconvenienced- Neither you or your family and close friends have the virus. Yea your 401K is in the dumps but you are still working/retired and don't need the money now. You have had to cancel vacations and may be working from home and bored out of your skull. Of course you are stressed out by no sports.
Moderately Impacted- You may have friends or relatives with the virus but they are not critical. You may be laid off or you own a business that is being impacted but you are financially secure and not worried.
Severely Impacted- You have the virus or have family or friends that are seriously ill. You have lost your job or your business is shut down and if this lingers you will be in serious trouble.
I am curious where people are at this point in time. For me I am in the low end of mildly inconvenienced. Also anyone in the severely impacted category deserves our thoughts and prayers and we need to be especially nice to those folks.
Mildly Inconvenienced- Neither you or your family and close friends have the virus. Yea your 401K is in the dumps but you are still working/retired and don't need the money now. You have had to cancel vacations and may be working from home and bored out of your skull. Of course you are stressed out by no sports.
Moderately Impacted- You may have friends or relatives with the virus but they are not critical. You may be laid off or you own a business that is being impacted but you are financially secure and not worried.
Severely Impacted- You have the virus or have family or friends that are seriously ill. You have lost your job or your business is shut down and if this lingers you will be in serious trouble.
I am curious where people are at this point in time. For me I am in the low end of mildly inconvenienced. Also anyone in the severely impacted category deserves our thoughts and prayers and we need to be especially nice to those folks.