Here are his words
In the past few years I have set what some people would view as crazy and unrealistic goals. One of those goals was to spend as much time doing the things that I loved before the accident. Every free second that I had six years ago I spent out in God’s creation.
Although I knew I had limitations now like driving, I was determined to take every opportunity I had and enjoy the outdoors again. Obviously I love to fish and hunt, and I absolutely still wanted to do those things, yes even turkey hunting! Honestly it has never been about killing the biggest deer or the most ducks or a turkey with the longest beard and spurs, but it has been more about the journey and the experience of getting to enjoy what God created. I remember a few years ago mentioning to somebody that I wanted to kill one more long beard and I remember them reacting like that wasn’t possible.
I don’t blame them but I kind of viewed that as a challenge and I started to think about it a lot. I have what they call 10% vision in only my left eye. I have to shoot left-handed now and I knew the turkey would have to be pretty close and I needed a magnified scope.
I got a .410 so I could get close to the scope and not worry about the recoil. I worked on my soft calling techniques so that I could hopefully get the turkey closer than usual. I practiced looking through the scope and finding an object in different lighting scenarios. I practiced sitting in awkward positions. I practiced with my gun on a shooting stick, and off a shooting stick. I could go on and on with the things that I practiced daily. As much as I practiced I still knew that a lot of things would have to go right for me to kill a turkey.
Yesterday that unrealistic goal that I set a few years ago became a reality! It’s days like this that I will never forget and it just goes to show you, sometimes God blesses you in ways that you will never understand and don’t deserve!
I have to give a huge shout out to Bobby and Ginger Watkins (Dustin Watkins) who allowed me to hunt on their beautiful farm, my buddy Chase Treece for getting it all on film so people would believe me LOL, Mike Pentecost with WoodHaven Custom Calls for making that oh so sweet sounding turkey call to get him close enough for a guy that is 90% blind to kill, and of course all the friends and family that have let me tag along on their outdoor adventures. I guess it is time to set a new goal now!
Stay tuned for full length video coming soon!
#longbeard #limbhanger #woodhavencustomcalls #tooclose #ratherbeluckythangood #soeasyablindmancandoit
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