...they were going to consider letting people who tested positive but were asymptomatic return to work with a mask. Here is his full quote because this was taken completely out of context, distorted (unknowingly I’m sure) and shared on here:
“With regard to the guidance that you asked about: The President’s Coronavirus Task Force is in the process of reviewing recommendations from CDC. We’re working with the Department of Homeland Security. We’ll be bringing those to the President as recommendations of approval. We’re specifically looking at people that work in critical infrastructure: people in law enforcement, people in critical transportation.
You can go right now to the Department of Homeland Security’s website for a very useful definition of “critical infrastructure.” And if you look at the second page of “15 Days to Slow the Spread,” you’ll see the President’s recommendation for this 15 days is for people to stay home from work whenever possible, except for people working in critical infrastructure.
And the guidance that we’re looking forward to unpacking is how people who may have come into contact with someone that tests positive for coronavirus would be able to — if they have no symptoms, would be able to return to work, wear a mask for a certain period of time, but otherwise go back to business. It’s a focus on critical infrastructure jobs. We should have that guidance before the President and before the public tomorrow.”
“With regard to the guidance that you asked about: The President’s Coronavirus Task Force is in the process of reviewing recommendations from CDC. We’re working with the Department of Homeland Security. We’ll be bringing those to the President as recommendations of approval. We’re specifically looking at people that work in critical infrastructure: people in law enforcement, people in critical transportation.
You can go right now to the Department of Homeland Security’s website for a very useful definition of “critical infrastructure.” And if you look at the second page of “15 Days to Slow the Spread,” you’ll see the President’s recommendation for this 15 days is for people to stay home from work whenever possible, except for people working in critical infrastructure.
And the guidance that we’re looking forward to unpacking is how people who may have come into contact with someone that tests positive for coronavirus would be able to — if they have no symptoms, would be able to return to work, wear a mask for a certain period of time, but otherwise go back to business. It’s a focus on critical infrastructure jobs. We should have that guidance before the President and before the public tomorrow.”